Thursday 29 November 2018

Critical Reflection on Presentation Showcase

I was involved in the 4th annual presentation showcase for SIE2016 Effective Communication as part of the committee member appointed by the lecturer Brad Blackstone. My role in the showcase was event photographer/videographer, where I took many photos of the different teams presenting and the audience, including the judges. It was a fantastic and successful showcase with everyone gave their best in making sure the whole thing ran smoothly.

However, it wasn’t easy as I thought. As a photographer, I do not own any camera. I must depend on cameras that both Eddie and Wendy brought. As such, I did not have ample time to familiarise myself with the camera, which might affect the quality of the photos. Another issue was the number of batteries available, which constraint the number of shots I could take. Nonetheless, I enjoyed myself and glad to be given the chance to be part of this.

I think the apparent reason why this showcase could be successful because everybody in the committee works well as a team. It was great to see that nobody shows any individualism. By having Kenyu as our leader was terrific, he led the team with clear communication and we could understand what was needed and responded well. However, I felt that we could have done better overall.

I think if we could standardize the problem of whether we should use mics, the whole flow of the showcase would be better. Furthermore, as committee members, we should have taken charge of the timing for the audience to cheer and clap. The cheering of the audience might be disrupting the flow when the presentation was ongoing. There were times when Dr. Moshood had to ask the audience to lower down their volume and I felt that’s supposed to be our job, especially when the judges were commenting. In this way, the whole showcase could be better than the actual.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks very much, Victor, for this detailed reflection on the showcase. It's clearly a heartfelt exercise on your part, and good learning for me. I really appreciate your effort on the showcase team and I applaud your time in letting me know yur perspective on that experience.
